

Environmental impacts specified in a typical Terms of Reference (TOR) can be grouped into four components (study disciplines), namely:
• Physical/Chemical
• Biological/ecological
• Sociological
• Economic/Macroeconomic.
Sensitive parameters in the study disciplines that describe the impacts for the current situation as well as during and after development are typically assessed for their overall impact using the rapid impact assessment matrix (RIAM) method (Jensen, 1998). This method provides an overall assessment where there are multi-disciplinary factors as the method allows data from different disciplines to be analysed against common important criteria within a common matrix, thereby providing a clear assessment of the major impacts. The assessment is done for each project alternative including the “do nothing” case.
TEM Network has carried out Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) for a variety of projects including:
• Port development
• Dredging and Reclamation
• Housing development
• Oil refinery expansion
• Resort Development


TEM Network offers ocean engineering solutions for coastal reclamation, development and assessment. The state of the art COASTAL MODELING SYSTEM developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reaserch and Development Center - ERDC is utilised to analyse coastal processes and predict the effects of coastal development.
Applying the latest coastal dynamics models, TEM Network also constructs and installs coastal structures which are used to provide stability to eroding and damaged shorelines. Beach coves are created and beaches expanded to service the tourism, recreational, fisheries and other local sectors. Hydrographic Surveys along with a complete range of Underwater Diving and Marine Contracting services are also offered.


TEM Network undertakes environmental monitoring for clients to ensure fulfilment of permit conditions as well as to check the status of compliance with environmental laws and regulations. We also carry out monitoring in emergency type situations for private companies and public sector agencies in response to sudden release/spills of pollutants to the environment.
Through the TEM Network of associates, we are able to provide rapid response for sample collection and fast turn-a-round time for analysis of samples. Recent clients include, Petrojam Refinery, NEPA and Environmental Health Unit (EHU) Ministry of Health.


We conduct audits and training sessions to review the integrity of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) and prepare our clients for third party (certification) audits against ISO 14001 standard.
With our environmental knowledge of construction, the hospitality industry, Port Operations and manufacturing, we are able to incorporate our international experiences and expertise to deliver added value to our consulting, audit and training process.
We maintain that structured approach needed to enhance environmental stewardship and to coach organisations towards achieving that bottom line through effective management of their aspects, in particular, those that could impact negatively on the environment.


We issue timely reminders to our clients and provide assistance in preparing annual emission reports under the National Air Quality Regulations. Our timely intervention ensures that licence holders are compliant with the local regulations and hence conform to international standards.


Under Jamaica’s NRCA Act, A Permit is required to undertake any construction, enterprise or development of a prescribed nature anywhere in the island and the Territorial Sea. The permit is intended to safeguard the various environmental/natural resources from direct damage due largely, but not exclusively, to physical development.
With our knowledge of the permitting process and the review cycle within the National & Environment Planning Agency (NEPA) we can assist you in applying for a permit as required for most development projects.
Some of the Prescribed Categories of Project/Enterprise under the NRCA (Permits and Licences) Regulations, 1996 are:
• Power generation plants
• Pipelines and conveyors
• Port and harbour developments
• Subdivisions of 10 or more lots
• Housing projects of 10 houses or more
• Hotel/resort complex > 12 rooms
• Ecotourism projects
• Sewage and wastewater treatment facilities
• Mining and mineral processing
• Metal processing
• Industrial projects
• Petroleum production, refinery, storage and stockpiling
• Food processing plants
• Fish and meat processing plants
• Distillery, brewing and fermenting facilities
• Construction of new highways
• Irrigation/water management projects
• Land reclamation and drainage projects
• Watershed development projects
• Solid waste treatment and disposal
• Cemeteries and crematoria
• Introduction of species
• River basin development projects
• Hazardous waste storage or treatment or disposal facilities
• Processing of agricultural waste


TEM Network Ltd., in association with Duwatech Inc., offers state-of-the-art survey and monitoring tools using advanced Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) technology. These tools can provide, in particular, engineering-grade surveys at a much reduced cost when compared to conventional methodologies. Services include but are not limited to:
• low-altitude high-resolution aerial surveys
• close-range photogrammetry
• infrastructure inspection and geographical mapping


 Assess compliance with Jamaica Occupational Safety and Health Act (JOSHA) under which employers are obligated to provide a comfortable and safe working environment for employees

 Identification of any actual/potential problems or risks that could have an impact on employee health/comfort


The seafloor within the project/impact area is surveyed for the purpose of characterising the benthic habitat and any associated marine resources that will be immediately impacted by the development.

Surveys are conducted using SCUBA and a submersible remotely operated vehicle (ROV).


Crocodile survey daytime activity includes walking along the coast of the project area to note crocodile presence and/or activity such as tail drag, foot prints, basking areas and nesting areas. Crocodiles are more difficult to detect during the day than at night because of their secretive habits. The nighttime survey includes the use of the spotlight survey method to detect crocodiles by noting the reflective eyes. This is the most popular method used to estimate crocodile numbers in an area.


The Sea turtle survey methods entail looking for evidence of past/ present nesting activities. Activities are classified into two categories; nests and false crawls (or non-nesting emergences). In the day, the beach areas are traversed along the most recent high tide line to 12-meters inland where possible, looking for all evidence of sea turtle emergences. When a crawl is located, measurements are taken of the width of the crawl as well as photographs and GPS locations.  For nest sites, the GPS coordinates are recorded over the most likely location of the egg chamber.